The Sims 4: Reset Your Werewolf Abilities By Using Mods

There’s a lot of stuff to do in The Sims 4: Werewolves, which means you might want to reset your werewolf powers from time to time to try something new. Unfortunately, the most fantastic way to do this is not apparent unless you click and harvest items at random for fun.

It’s straightforward to reset your werewolf abilities on your own time during a full moon, so long as you remember to do it. You can also download a fantastic mod that will allow you to enable or disable these features at your whim.

Sims 4: Reset Werewolf Abilities

Finding a Moonpetal is all that’s required to return your werewolf talents to their original state. This new gardening resource can only be gathered once per game cycle, at a full moon.

A moon petal flower can be gathered at “howling point,” a little mountaintop, whenever there is a full moon.

When your Sim has this item in their inventory, you can drag it out to a flat surface, where it will appear in a charming glass display, and then consume the moonpetal by clicking on display.

In this case, you can’t choose the devour option because that’s a werewolf perk that lets you eat anything (including chickens from cottage living, lol).

An alert will inform your Sim that “by the magic of the Moonpetal, Sim’s werewolf perks have been reset and all ability points repaid.”

You’ll now see that every one of your werewolf ability points has been reset, allowing you to try out every facet of this pack anew.

Resetting Werewolf Abilities Using Mods

The quality of The Sims 4 mods has been steadily increasing thanks to the efforts of dozens of talented modders. 

Carl’s Guides didn’t take long to produce fantastic werewolves hacks mod for The Sims 4: Werewolves, making it possible to add and remove werewolf perks without memorizing any wacky cheat codes.

You can also modify existing temperaments by adding or removing them, making this mod incredibly flexible.

Werewolf Abilities in The Sims 4: A Cheat’s Guide

Werewolf Abilities in The Sims 4 A Cheat's Guide

#1) Type “testingcheats true” into the game’s cheat console to activate cheat mode. Depending on your system, you can access the cheats console by doing the following:

  • For the PS4 and Xbox One, simultaneously press and hold the left trigger button (L1) and the right trigger button (R2).
  • Pressing simultaneously on a desktop or laptop computer: Simply pressing the shortcut of Shift+Ctrl+C,
  • On a Mac, you must simultaneously press Shift + Command + C to copy.

#2) To gain the desired amount of experience points, type the following code into the cheats console:

stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression ***

Regularly, you’d have to do things in the game to obtain XP, but now you can get them quickly. You can use these to advance in Werewolf Rank and acquire new Abilities.

Gain as many as you like to level up, and equip yourself with as many Abilities as you want.

FAQs Related to Sims 4 Reset Werewolf Abilities

Can you disable werewolves in Sims 4?

There is a way to stop werewolves from changing into wolves outside Moonwood Mill. You can restrict werewolves from venturing beyond Moonwood Mill by enabling this setting in the Pack Settings submenu of the Game Options menu.

How do I change my werewolf temperament?

The Lunar Howl skill is required to modify your Sim’s werewolf personality. Then, at night, you can use it to howl a particular yell that will reset your Sims’ moods. Alternately, you can utilize cheats to change the personalities of your Sim’s werewolves.

How do you get Wolfsbane in Sims 4?

You can often find Wolfsbane south of Greg’s trailer, close to the waterfall. Since Wolfsbane was initially introduced in the Sims 4 Vampires expansion pack, it is also possible to find it growing wild in Forgotten Hollow. Wolfsbane can be grown indefinitely from seed packs.


The Sims 4: Werewolves has so much content that you may want to start over with no werewolf abilities to take it all in. These skills are fantastic, and using them will grant you access to a whole new world for your werewolves to explore.