How to Play Keyboard and Mouse on Xbox Rainbow Six Siege?

According to the Microsoft Community, you can’t use a keyboard and mouse to play Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox. It is cheating to use an adapter to play with a keyboard and mouse. 

The game can only be played with the Xbox controller; the makers have disabled keyboard and mouse support. 

You can only use the mouse and keyboard in games that the maker actually lets you. The Xbox One has a free USB port that you can use to connect a USB keyboard and mouse.

What is The Best Way to Play Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox?

According to, Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical gun game where you need to work together and plan your moves to win. Some tips and tricks that can help you get better at the game are listed below:

Adjust Your Settings:

You can improve your game by changing your sensitivity, dead zones, and other options. You can, for example, turn off aim help, change the sensitivity, the rotation of the controller, the dead zones, the ads, the deployment of gadgets and drones, and the layout of the controller.

Get the Right Gear: 

Having the correct gear can greatly improve your gaming experience. The game can be played on Xbox One with a USB keyboard and mouse.

Learn from Pros: 

If you want to learn new methods and techniques, you can watch videos of professional players. For example, Ebyte’s YouTube page has videos that show you how to set up and adjust your controller so that it works best for consoles.


You’ll get better if you do this. You can work on your skills alone or with friends by practicing.

How Can I improve My Aim in Rainbow Six Siege?

It is said by For The Win that practicing your aim in Rainbow Six Siege is the best way to get better at it. Putting in time and effort to practice a skill over and over again is the only way to get better at it. But here are some things you can do to make your aim better:

  • Be Ready to Shoot: When you play Rainbow Six Siege, pulling the gun won’t fire right away. What you’re doing at the time makes a difference. So, be ready to shoot if you see a bad guy.
  • Map Memory: You can play Rainbow Six Siege on 20 different maps. You should learn and remember the maps so that you can guess where the enemies will show.
  • Drones: Before going into an area, use drones to check it out. This will help you figure out where the enemy is and how to fight them.
  • Fortify, But Leave Space: Strengthen the walls and barriers, but don’t block off whole areas. This will let you move around more freely and catch your enemies off guard.
  • Think About Range: It’s important to pick the right tool for the job because they all have different ranges.
  • Positioning: Find a place to stand that gives you an edge over your enemies. For example, try to get off the ground or hide behind something.
  • Communicate With Your Team: Rainbow Six Siege is all about talking to each other. Make sure you and your team know where the enemies are and plan your strikes together.
  • Stay Focused: Lastly, pay attention to the game and don’t let other things confuse you.

What is the Best Operator for Beginners?

According to Gamers Decide, the following operators in Rainbow Six Siege are the best for new players:

  1. Rook: For a newbie, Rook is the easiest one to use.
  2. Frost: Frost’s gadget is one of the best for new users because it’s simple to use and fun to set up.
  3. Lesion: I think Lesion is one of the best new operators because his tool is simple to use and fun to set up.
  4. Kapkan: Kapkan is a great operator for people who are just starting out because his traps are simple to set up and work well.
  5. Sledge: Sledge is a great early-level user because he has a simple tool that can be used to break through floors and walls.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it okay to use Mnk on Xbox?

People who play video games may have strong feelings about using Mnk on Xbox. Some people say it gives them an unfair edge, but others say it’s their choice. In the end, each player must choose their own preferred way to enter information.

If I use Mnk on Xbox R6, could I be banned?

Ubisoft, the company that made Rainbow Six Siege, has said that Mnk can’t be used on devices. But they haven’t done anything strict to stop people from using it. Keep in mind that things can change, and it’s always a good idea to know what’s going on with the game. 

What kind of mouse and keyboard can I use on Xbox?

Xbox doesn’t work with all combos of mouse and keyboard. It is very important to make sure that the devices you want to use are publicly supported. For correct information, check the official compatibility list or the manufacturer’s website.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, playing MnK on Xbox R6 may be controversial, but it is a good choice for players who want quick and accurate controls. You can improve your Rainbow Six Siege gameplay by following the steps in this guide and training regularly. It’s important to remember, though, that fair play and respecting other players should always come first.